There has been some great developments in the woodlands where Forest School takes place. Please see below our requests for gloves, pots for plants and buckets.
We now have a solid wooden shelter where we can stand under when the rain comes down heavily. It was built by Scott (Lynn Lewis’ son) who is a carpenter. The children love to meet there and often get involved with wood-working. They have been shown how to saw a branch, use a hammer, whittle a branch with a knife, chop wood with an axe and a mallet.
They love being given the responsibility and are very keen to learn.
There are two parachutes covering the fire circle to give more protection against the weather. Fires are made in the afternoons and the children gather around to enjoy hot chocolate and a biscuit. They are learning how to be safe around fires and the resilience needed to build and maintain a fire.
Recently, the men who volunteer down by the river in Gravesend, ‘The Boat Boys’ have made a splendid mud kitchen for us. It took four of them to deliver it! As soon as they set it down, the children wanted to start making mud pies, mud cakes, mud soup and mud ice-cream. Their imaginations were sparked and they chatted away in their new forest kitchen.
We go outside in most weathers and have spare coats for the children who feel the cold but we are short of decent gloves. If you have any spare we would very much appreciate it if you could donate them to Forest school.
Also we have lots of small trees from Woodlands trust and have placed many of these temporarily in pots. We have run out of pots! If you have any larger type pots please sent them into us so that we can plant some baby trees in.
Our last request is for buckets please. Can you donate a bucket to our Forest School as those we have are now split or broken through good use?
Thanking you in advance,
Lynn Lewis